Thursday, April 10, 2008

surfer girl

Apparently, I went out surfing last night and I refused to take A3 along. I surfed for hours and caught many, many waves! ha ha ha

A3 informed me this morning that she had a nightmare last night. I asked her to share it with me. She went on and on about how I went surfing and I did not take her along! I can't help to chuckle when I get a visual... yeah right! Last month when the family and I went to Great Escape during Spring Break, I didn't even want to body surf on their cool-high tech man-made wave pool. Not with 30 people watching! A1, A2, and A3 of course rode the wave. A3 was probably the youngest kid that I saw there try it. She did okay, but when then she wiped out and she no longer wanted to do it again! A1 did well. And A2 was a PRO! She even got applause! Again, this is a 6-year-old we are talking about! She was riding the wave for so long, that the person teaching yelled to her to do a trick-- get on all fours-- and that she a PRO! She was so darn good! The sad thing is that while everyone cheered for her and high-fived her when she was done, Daddy wasn't there to watch...:( He was somewhere in the hotel grading papers. And well, the line to get back on was about an hours wait-- 5 and 6-year-old's don't do appreciate the wait.