Friday, May 2, 2008

in memory of laurie

I have been in total shock and disbelief for the past 12 hours. Late last night I found out that a cyber friend I met on a board had passed away. She is my same age and also has 3 kids. She was a funny, generous, trusting and giving person. She always had something funny to add to any and all discussions. I am still in shock! All night I kept thinking about her and her kids. I just couldn't stop my mind from racing. Eventually, I guess I ended up dozing up sometime this morning after 3 (I remember watching FOX at 3). So this morning at 8:30 A2 comes into my room to notify me that her neck does not hurt so much anymore (yesterday morning she woke up with a very stiff neck which prevented her from going to school until the Motrin kicked in). I realized we had overslept by 2 hours! In my stupor last night, I didn't get my cell phone on my night stand-- and I use that as my alarm. Well, I got A2 ready for school in a record breaking 20 minutes-- gave her a cereal bar and drove her to school. The funny thing is, that my neighbor and I carpool. Friday is her day. A bit a go she came to tell me that she knocked and nothing (my doorbell is broken) and since the kitchen door was wide open, she came into the kitchen-- into the dining room and it was quiet. She called out for me-- nada! So where was Blue the dog? She didn't even move a muscle to greet her. She also slept through it!

Anyway, back to Laurie. This gal was one serious shopper-- she LOVED to shop but she also loved a good deal. So several times we would email coupon codes to each other. Just a couple of months ago I mailed her my Coach coupon because Coach forgot hers! The nerve of them, with all the business she brings to that place!

I am going to add to this blog all of the weekly coupon codes that I get through companies' marketing emails, through my good friends emails, and the good old fashion mail. I will post them here to share-- I usually email them to you all, but I will list them here.

Please mention Laurie's kids in your prayers!