Tuesday, May 27, 2008

happy memorial day!

I hope that every one's day was pleasant and that everyone took a moment to take in what this day actually is. Let us never take for granted those that have sacrificed the ultimate.

The day started off with a house full of lazy, sleepy girls. Dad finally managed to wake us up and get our behinds in gear to head out the door to Sommersville, NJ where he was going to race. Meanwhile the race was going on, the town was having a celebration. They had vendors, food, a petting zoo, moon bouncers and all sorts of neat things for kids.

The girls bounced around while Alexys finished her homework assignments under a tree. Did I mention the day was without a cloud in the sky?

I don't really agree or condone petting zoos-- at least some of them. But I indulged the girls in petting the animals that seemed (to me) to be sedated. (Reason in point!) They fed the animals one round after much begging on their part. I tried to explain that these animals' activity level is close to none and there are hundreds of people feeding them all day, it can't be healthy! The girls somewhat understood and agreed to one feeding of the food provided. Later on I saw them feeding the ponies grass-- in their mind it was a plant, therefore it was healthy! Goodness, there I go again explaining the reason why we don't feed the animals grass!

My girls really, really wanted to ride the ponies. There, I couldn't budge. I seriously could not bring myself to allowing such thing. These poor animals had been there all day with nowhere to run and people sitting on them all day. Yes, I know many will not agree with me, but it's my prerogative. The girls ultimately understood. So they caressed, rubbed, and loved on the animals instead.

There was also a station where kids can make Spin Art which Angelene enjoyed.