Thursday, May 1, 2008

happy birthday A1!

Today is A1's 14Th birthday! I really don't know where time goes! She is fourteen! I feel so old...

The day falling on a school night pretty much assures a mild celebration. Besides taking her one of her fave lunches to school today, her friends celebrated with her at the local coffee shop here on post (typical for this age, I guess). Afterwards, the family sang to her and she blew her candles. It wasn't the typical birthday cake-- she asked for her favorite desert: Peanut Butter Cookie Pie-- a 10 year-old family favorite. My good pal Phyllis, from Show242 shared this great recipe with me when we were all living in Alaska many moons ago. Since that day, this pie has been a family staple several times a year.

It is hard to believe that she is about to graduate middle school. In no time at all, she will be learning to drive!