Wednesday, September 3, 2008

game 1

The 9th grade volleyball team had their first game last night. It didn't go as they hoped and I hear that the biggest complaint was playing in a no-A/C gym! The nerve of the school... Keep in mind that Alexys' school has not one, but TWO gyms and well, overall the school is very high-tech and up-to-date. I wont go into a rant about how the kiddos are spoiled by their school's aesthetics because let me tell you-- Alexys' last school had one of those small non-A/C gyms and overall small and old everything! BUT--and a BIG BUT: She loved and loves that little school!
It has been pouring here all day today-- this morning some loud, very loud sirens went off all over post... Was it a tornado watch alert maybe? or was it a flash flood warning? I don't know! I haven't really been around in such weather in a long time! The last time we lived in KS (over 14 years ago) and we heard sirens go off during a storm, we happily opened the door and enjoyed the rain. How were we to know that those loud shrills were a warning to take cover-- tornado watch in effect! Remember people, both Frank and I are Californians-- So.Cali to be exact! No such thing as an earthquake watch/warning siren!