Wednesday, September 24, 2008

oooh where do i begin...

Hello family and friends... I am so sorry I have been so bad about checking in here. Life in good ol' Kansas isn't as slow-paced as most of us would think. My girly girls are sure keeping me busy! Here is a brief synopsis on the happenings of our lil' clan:

1. Alexys is still very busy with volleyball and swimming. Last Saturday they (school team) had a tournament and they came in 2nd! That is a good thing. They are getting ready for this Saturday's tournament. She also has meet season starting in a couple of weeks so she is putting in many hours in the pool. She is very much settled into her new life. Fabulous.

2. Angelene is learning a lot in swim class. She was introduced to the butterfly this afternoon and she was excited about that! Soccer is also a big hit! She is naturally high-energy and this is very helpful in the sport...She is a little energizer bunny that keeps going and going and going... Fabulous.

3. Alanah going strong in gymnastics although she complaints all the time why she isn't doing soccer and swim lessons. Geesh-- I am only one person!

Frank tries to tag team and help out but he is limited on time as well. He is not only doing the school here but now he decided to earn yet another masters-- since having one isn't enough I guess... lol more power to him. We are all about learning and growing and this is great. I don't do well when people live life idling. So the poor guy has gigantic amounts of homework and reading on top of papers.

Fort Leavenworth offers so much to do. Last night some friends and I went to a Mexican Cooking class hosted by the company that leases the homes to us. Blah blah blah-- long story but you know what I mean. It was pretty cool. They demonstrated the proper techniques to prepare salsa, rice, mole, and tamales. Yes my people, the real McCoy! They also had pan dulce and great margaritas! We had a blast!

So much to say and so little time... Life is calling me off the PC again so come back tomorrow--

HEY BTW people... I really would like to add some of you to my favorite blogs to visit... BUT first you must start one! So c'mon people, give it a try!Tata for now!


~Tammy said...

I am tired just reading what you do daily. I don't know how you manage to do all of that, keep up your house like you do and look like you do...don't I wish!


Luisa said...

Dude, I don't know what you are talking about-- I am a fatso! lol