Friday, August 15, 2008

wow, who knew...

That it rained so much here! Now, we lived in Ft. Riley, KS 15 years ago-- Alexys hails from there after all. But I really don't remember this much rain! And it isn't little droplets, it's gigantic showers! We were outside just now-- the girls with the neighborhood kids riding scooters and bikes while I organized my week's menu. I stepped into the house for one minute and when I came back outside, it was pouring! All the kids of course got drenched. No biggie. It is actually a good thing since now I can stay indoors and start tackling the basement boxes!

I have not downloaded any shots from my camera, so I am going to share some that we took the last weekend we were in NY-- our visit through Central Park... sniff sniff...
(BTW-the girls finally got to see Balto!)