Wednesday, August 27, 2008

in case you were wondering...

what the student housing looks like here, I decided I would post some shots that I took the day that we were waiting for the moving truck to bring our household goods. These shots are from 4 August--

Now keep in mind that these houses were tagged and ready for demolition-- that is until some shortages and housing issues arose and of course the best thing and the easiest thing to do was to put us in these very dated and old houses-- some of which don't have a dishwasher! We do, thank heavens! But we are all paying a whole lot of

money-- and well that is all I am going to say about that.

That swing that Alexys is on is by the house-- as you can see, we have tons and tons of beautiful mature trees. They are simply breathtaking! That playground that Frank and the girls are at is one of many that are near. We have one to our left, one to our right, and yet another behind us. The pool is at the end of the block-- seriously, just feet away!

All in all, we are thankful for our home and our family. We always make the best of everything and we have a good time! The kids all like the schools and they are always busy either with friends or with activities.

As soon as we are done clearing up the patio from boxes, I will take more shots of the kids playing outdoors. With all the boxes and junk laying around, I don't really get motivated to get the camera out! Soon to change, though!

Ta-ta for now!