Monday, August 18, 2008

last from the series

sniff...sniff... These shots will be the last ones I share from our last weekend in the city last month. I need to let go and move on... Deep breath.

It is hard to believe that life is back on track. The girls are in school and things are beginning to get into a groove. Grant it, we still have the basement a total disaster and the patio is still covered by the same 20-something boxes... This week hopefully we will do a little more. This past weekend we opened so many basement boxes that we filled our yard with empty, broken down boxes waiting for the garbage day. I just can't wait to be done! The basement is divided into 3 rooms. One will be the laundry room and an entertainment area for the girls. TV center, a table to craft and their kitchen. The other rooms will be an office/toy room and Frank's bike room. Yes, he actually gets one of those. While some guys long for a "dude" room, he asks for a bike room. I guess I can't blame him, he does have many many of them after all.

Alexys began volleyball practice today. We will see how this goes. She practices till 5 and at 6 she has swim practice till 8. Next month her swimming will double up to 5am practice sessions on top of the other. Busy busy girl! On top of this, she has to maintain her awesome grades-- as you can tell by her schedule, she will be one busy girl.

Alanah began gymnastics today as well. She had a blast. I would too if I had the chance to play on all the cool gymnastics equipment!

Angelene starts swim lessons and soccer shortly. She is asking and asking about doing Girl Scouts. I haven't decided on that. I just don't know... With the family's schedule and all... Oh I almost forgot to mention, Frank decided that he wants another Masters to add to the one he already has. So he will be busy with studying for that on top of studying for his regular load. I for one, contemplated getting a job at the kids' school but I just don't think I will be able to handle it with this family's schedule. If I can't have the evenings to tidy-up, then when will I? I have no choice but to have the day to do such activities. For those of you that know me well (most of you do) you know I can be pretty stubborn about house stuff (although I have backed off a bit because of the space issue--what can a girl do?).

I have been very bad about taking my camera out with me. I will definitely do a better job soon.

**NOTE: Blogger seems to be having issues, so I unable to upload shots today. I will try again tomorrow!