Wednesday, July 2, 2008

lights out

I can't believe that we are into July already! So much that I have been one day behind! So now I am having to pack last minute. I have been packing up for our trip tomorrow.
So with our housing here getting privatized now, we are stuck in limbo. The new leasing office doesn't officially take over until August 1st, but the housing office is not fully up and running anymore. Self-help closed up shop already apparently. Not only do we need a ton of stuff to clear housing, but the bulbs in the bathroom (only shower) blew out yesterday. The bulbs are those long florescent bulbs that are not sold at the PX, of course. So now that Self-help is closed, I have to pick some up at Home Depot, which isn't just here outside the gate. Why couldn't blow out in 3 weeks after we leave? Of course not!

On to the pictures now after a little complaining...

These shots were taken minutes before Bailey left West Point. The duck's name is Wasabi and he is their traveling buddy. Recall the story about the traveling pair of jeans between friends? Same concept really. This little creature has been to VA, MD, DC, and PA thus far since Bailey was the first to take him.


angela | the painted house said...

Luisa, thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving a comment! Target rules!

Your family is beautiful! Those daughters--wow, gorgeous!

Luisa said...

Thank you, Angela! And yeah--Target is Fab! ;)