Friday, March 28, 2008

easter morning

What a great Easter! Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to take many photos of the girls in their Easter outfits. We were running late to mass-- (truthfully, we were on time but Easter and Christmas services are always the most popular Masses so the Church overflows). We decided to take photos after mass. Well, it wasn't too good of an idea. The wind was blowing hard and the girls' hair was all over the place! The overcast sky wasn't very accommodating as well.A2 didn't want anything to do with the camera and was begging to get in the car! A3 was the only one that battled the wind with me while daddy went to get the car. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that he had to park VERY far from the actual Church's property! We finally headed out to go grab brunch and by the time we got home, the girls were all so eager to change into their play clothes! So that they did and the rest of the afternoon was spent outside riding their bikes and scooters, playing football with daddy, and just being silly!